Our land, their lines. Countryside under threat.
Our regional electric power grid operator, PJM, has proposed new routes for high-voltage power lines. Current information from PJM indicates these would crisscross 80 miles of Fauquier countryside in five alternative alignments. These could directly impact almost 400 properties under the proposed lines and 330 properties in conservation easement within a mile.

Here's what we know
These new lines will serve the unprecedented power demand from data centers mostly in Loudoun and Prince William Counties.
Although more difficult and costly to build transmission lines through conservation easements, there are no guarantees that the utility will avoid all of them.
PJM, Dominion Energy, and others may say these new lines also support power resiliency and redundancy needs in Fauquier. However, PJM has clearly stated the purpose is to serve "unprecedented data center load growth.”
The towers would be up to 140 feet tall and carry up to 765 kilovolt power lines.
More Details on Alternative Transmission Routes

For a detailed map of proposed routes visit: https://bit.ly/DataCenterPowerLines2023
Recommended Alternatives
Upgrade existing transmission lines as needed
Avoid routing new lines through Fauquier County
Pause new data center approvals that exceed current grid capacity Underground new lines, with data centers footing the cost
Citizens for Fauquier County, the Piedmont Environmental Council, Protect Catlett and Protect Fauquier are working together on this issue and the overall effort to minimize the proliferation of data centers in Fauquier County.